Sunday, June 28, 2009

Oh the joy

My heart is full. My daughter is home. Things have been great, she sleeps 4-5 hour stretches at night, 2-3 hour long naps during the day. We are adjusting well.
I never knew being a mommy could be this wonderful. I'm overjoyed.

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Update of Updates

We got the call!

Our social worker called me yesterday afternoon at work to tell me that we have, at last, been picked. Let me just tell you, I bawled like a baby when she called. We have a daughter. A daughter. I just can't get over it. It hasn't sunk in yet. We do not know everything about her. There are still at least 2 steps before she comes home. On the 22nd we will be presented with all her information (background, status with the birth parents, etc). After that, I think it will be about a week before she comes home. We'll get to meet her at one point before she comes home, but I do not know when that will be yet.

This is all the information I have:
She is 8 months old.
Her birth name is Nevaeh, which is heaven spelled backwards. We've decided to keep this name.

Thank you all for all your support through this journey. We still have a way to go before she is legally ours, but we are closer than we have been this far. We have been matched.

I'm still in a state of shock...disbelief. Like I'm going to wake up and this was all a cruel dream. I can't believe I'm going to have a daughter. I'm really going to be a mommy!

Sunday, June 07, 2009


Not much going on here...seriously. We continue to wait. While I feel like we've been waiting forever, it's only been just over 6 months, which in the adoption world is NOT long at all. So, we keep waiting, praying, hoping.

Other than that, today marks the 2 year mark since we found out our baby was ectopic. And shockingly I'm doing ok. I still feel some of the emotions I felt then, but they are mild, managable. I'm really doing ok. And that surprises me. I was so devistated that I never thought I would be ok. I never thought this day would come and I wouldn't be overcome by saddness. Part of me feels guilty that I'm ok. Like I'm not honoring our baby's memory properly. The other part of me knows that it's ok to be ok. It's not bad, or mean, or heartless. It's life.

So, today, I'm ok.