Not much going on here...seriously. We continue to wait. While I feel like we've been waiting forever, it's only been just over 6 months, which in the adoption world is NOT long at all. So, we keep waiting, praying, hoping.
Other than that, today marks the 2 year mark since we found out our baby was ectopic. And shockingly I'm doing ok. I still feel some of the emotions I felt then, but they are mild, managable. I'm really doing ok. And that surprises me. I was so devistated that I never thought I would be ok. I never thought this day would come and I wouldn't be overcome by saddness. Part of me feels guilty that I'm ok. Like I'm not honoring our baby's memory properly. The other part of me knows that it's ok to be ok. It's not bad, or mean, or heartless. It's life.
So, today, I'm ok.
I'm hoping and praying that 6 months from now, you'll be writing about your precious baby!
(CharliesMama1228 from BBC)
This waiting part sucks. I know! Oy.
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